SpikeMix™ TAA - heavy


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About SpikeMix™ TAA - heavy

Pool of 252 stable isotope labeled representative proteotypic peptides for tumor associated antigens derived from 61 annotated human proteins for direct usage in mass-spectrometry based proteomics (MRM).

SpikeMix™ TAA - heavy - Specifications

  • Amount: approx. 50-150 pmol per peptide
  • Purity: crude
  • Delivery Format: Freeze-dried in plastic vial
  • Application(s): Proteomics
  • Condition(s)/Topic(s): Breast cancer, Burkitt's lymphoma, Cancer, Gastric cancer, Malignant genital cancers, Melanoma, Prostate cancer
  • Standard Delivery Time: 2-5 days

Are you interested in your custom peptide pools for your proteomics assays? Choose your sequence, amount and label. We will assist you along the way. Custom SpikeMix Reference Pools.

JPT's SpikeMix™ TAA
JPT produced a mixture of proteotypic peptides for the detection of the most relevant tumor associated antigens (TAA) by mass-spectrometry based proteomics. Tumor antigens (such as products of mutated oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes or other mutated genes, overexpressed cellular proteins, cell type-specific differentiation antigens) are produced in tumor cells and may trigger an immune response in the host. Tumor antigens are used to identify tumors and are potential candidates for use in cancer therapy. 75 TAAs were selected and prioritized in a NCI pilot project to prioritize cancer antigens (Cheever et al., 2009). For 61 of these TAAs JPT'synthesized proteotypic peptides with well documented MRM transition data available (www.srmatlas.org, ISB). The mixed peptides are available light or isotopically labeled (heavy Arg U-13C6, U-15N4 or Lys U-13C6, U-15N2).

Benefits of JPT's SpikeMix™ TAA
- Quantification of multiple TAA's from a single sample
- First economic heavy peptide pool available
- Multiplexed analysis of disease status and therapeutic success


References for SpikeMix™ TAA - heavy

Read References with Reference Peptides for Targeted Proteomics - SpikeTides™ & SpikeMix™

Application Notes
Development of a Multiplexed Targeted SRM Assay for NCI’s Top Tumor Associated Antigens
Soderblom et al., Application Note (2015) Full text
Absolute Quantification of Metabolic Enzymes via Targeted Proteomics using a new Kit of SpikeTides™ Peptides
Bindel et al., Application Note (2015) Full text
Development and Characterization of SpikeMix™ ABRF (cross-Species Standard) Consisting of 1,000 Stable Isotope Labeled Peptides
Colangelo, Application Note (2014) Full text

"As Director of the Protein Profiling at Yale Keck Biotechnology Resource Facility, I coordinated a collaboration between the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) standard proteomic research group (sPRG) and JPT Peptide Technologies to develop the ABRF cross-species SpikeMix™ peptide pool. The joint development turned out to be an extraordinary effective endeavor and the resulting product was qualified in more than 52 proteomics labs around the globe. I was impressed by JPT's scientific and technological capabilities as well as their enthusiasm to drive the project forward."
Christopher M. Colangelo, Director of Protein Profiling at Keck Biotechnology Resource Facility, Yale University, USA

"Our research at Stanford University seeks to discover unconventional translation products, and proteins made by unsequenced organisms; to characterize a wide array of protein post-translational modifications; and to perform peptide antigen binding assays. On all of these fronts, we are in need of high quality peptide standards for assay development and protein quantification. The successful collaboration with the team at JPT Peptide Technologies and their wide range of products has been a critical factor for advancing my group's research."
Joshua E. Elias, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Chemical & Systems Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Clark Center, Stanford, CA



Properties of SpikeMix™ TAA - heavy

Properties Values
Amount: approx. 50-150 pmol per peptide
Application: Proteomics
Category: SpikeMix™ for Targeted Proteomics
Condition / Topic: Breast cancer, Burkitt's lymphoma, Cancer, Gastric cancer, Malignant genital cancers, Melanoma, Prostate cancer
Layout: Freeze-dried in plastic vial
Organism: Human
Protein Name: Selected proteins
Purity: crude
Quantification: No, Yes

Further Information to SpikeMix™ TAA - heavy

Information Values
Sequence: See Layout and Sequences under Product Documentation
Specifications: Mix of 252 heavy labeled proteotypic peptides for 61 human tumor associated antigens

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