Multiwell Microarray Service

Peptide array service including array incubation with 3x 6  or 20 samples on one microarray and data evaluation on the basis of PepStar™ Peptide Microarrays. We offer a comprehensive epitope discovery service using your samples (antibodies, serum, cell lysate...) and identify specific hits including incubation, read-out & data evaluation. You need to select and buy  custom PepStar™ Peptide Microarrays (one for (3x 6 or 20 samples plus one negative control)!
Amount: 1 microarray incubation with your samples incl. read-out & data evaluation
Delivery format: Summary of results including data table and visualization of results via heatmap and bar plots
Application(s): Binding experiments, Peptide microarray incubation, Cancer biomarker research, Humoral immune response, Immune monitoring, Seromarker discovery, Antibody epitope discovery
Indication(s)/Topic(s): Cancer, Infection, Breast cancer, Cancer chemotherapy, Melanoma, AIDS, Transplantation, Dengue fever, Multiple sclerosis, Hepatitis, Infectious mononucleosis, West nile fever, Small Pox, Vaccination, Influenza and more
Delivery time: 3-4 weeks

JPT's Microarray Assay Services
Based on our high content of multiwell PepStar™ peptide microarrays we offer our comprehensive microarray assay services. They present overlapping peptides from antigens, peptide libraries, ULTRA peptide libraires for sequence diversity or modified peptides e.g. with post-translational modifications or cylic peptides. Our service includes incubation of peptide microarrays with your samples and data evaluation. Our scientists will provide a detailed report with firgures and a data table. Send us your project outline!


Benefits of Multiwell Microarray Service

  • Well established incubation services & assay services for epitope discovery & mapping, seroscreening, protein-protein interactions and enzyme profiling
  • All sample handling and profiling in environment regulated by DIN ISO 9001:2015 and GCLP
  • Strong bioinformatic support for array design and data interpretation

Testimonials for Multiwell Microarray Service

"Over the past five years my research team has been active in the development of species-specific peptide arrays. Our ability to advance this technology into new research areas has been dependent on working with the highest quality of arrays. In this regard, JPT's commitment to excellence has been a critical foundation for the success of our research program. I have been consistently impressed with their customer service, technical expertise and professionalism. When it comes to peptide work there are no other options for our group, JPT is the best."
Scott Napper, PhD, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), University of Saskatchewan, Canada

"The RV 144 HIV trial is considered as one of first successful HIV vaccine trials. It has become clear that the V2 loop of gp120 is an important site for immunogenicity and protection from HIV infection. The use of JPT's PepStar™ microarray technology has been very useful for the correlation of the clincial outcome with humoral immune responses. As have the cyclic peptides been from JPT to validate these findings!"
Jeff Currier, PhD, Walter Reed Army Institute, Rockville, Maryland, USA

"We study modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmisson by TAAR1 and D2R. The functional interaction of the two receptors in the brain supports TAAR1 as a target for the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. To map the epitopes of our newly generated specific anti-rat TAAR1 antibodies we used JPT's PepStar™ peptide microarrays. The peptide microarrays greatly contributed to our successful and recently published study. We were very satisified with the exceptional product and service delivered by JPT Peptide Technologies as well as their scientific Customer Support which was always at our disposal."
Stefan Obermüller, F.Hoffmann La Roche Ltd., Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Basel, Switzerland

References for Multiwell Microarray Service

Read References with Enzyme Profiling - Assay Services

Application Note
"A Modular Approach for Epitope Discovery and High-Resolution Profiling of Humoral Immune Responses"
Pawlowski et al., Application Note (2013) Full Text
"Multiple Sclerosis and Epstein-Barr Virus Infection An Epitope Mapping Study"
Reimer et al., Application Note (2014) Full Text
"Rapid Mimotope Optimization for Pharmacokinetic Analysis of the Novel Therapeutic Antibody IMAB362"
Daneschdar et al., Application Note (2014) Full Text

Documentation for Multiwell Microarray Service

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Health - made in Germany
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All production is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

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