Portrait Aaron Castro Aude-Marie Alem

We will be at this years’ SITC conference!

Published on 18/10/2023

We are attending the SITC2023 Meeting (Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, Booth No 638) in San Diego, CA the week of November 3-5 and are looking forward to meeting you there. 

Learn about our role in peptide-driven, cell-based therapies and assays for immunology and cancer immunotherapy using our state-of-the-art peptide tools

Besides our extensive catalog products, which cover multiple human tumor associated antigens, JPT prides itself to provide the largest variety of 
customizable peptide formats

We will partner with you in your trial by providing knowledge and tools from neo-antigen and epitope discovery, to peptide vaccines, ex-vivo T cell expansion, and downstream monitoring of your clinical trial. Contact us to set-up a face-to-face meeting as we will be present throughout the entire conference.

See you there!

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