PepSup Cell Activation Kit

PepSup™ is a highly standardized, peptide-based cell activation (cell stimulation) assay designed to produce short-term culture supernatants for analysis of cytokines or other mediators of interest. We create your PepSup™ Cell Activation Kit with your choice of PepMix™ Peptide PoolsAntigen Peptides or custom peptides using a specialized culture medium. A PepSup™ kit contains sufficient reagents for 6 cell stimulations with the pertinent positive and negative controls. 

Benefits of PepSup Cell Activation Kit

  • High degree of standardization and hence reproducibility of cellular assays 
  • Well-suited for longitudinal monitoring 
  • Applicable for whole blood or other cell suspensions 
  • Monitor antigen-specific, stimulation-induced mediator secretion

Compare PepSup Cell Activation Kit to other Antigen Formats

Amount/Peptide Varying (approx. 5 to 20 µg / peptide depending on synthesis yield) 10 µg / peptide (each peptide quantified) 15 nmol (appr. 25µg) per peptide (each peptide quantified) 6x 2 µg /peptide (each peptide quantified)
Delivery Format Freeze-dried Freeze-dried Freeze-dried In PepSup™ cell medium
Peptide Purity Purified by Dialysis Purified by Dialysis Purified by HPLC Purified by HPLC
Peptide QC 5% peptides analyzed by LC-MS 100% peptides analyzed by LC-MS 100% peptides analyzed by LC-MS 100% peptides analyzed by LC-MS
Pool QC none none Full QC for each peptide pool warranting presence of each peptide Full QC for each peptide pool warranting presence of each peptide
Applications Antigen discovery Neo-epitope based immune monitoring, Antigen discovery Clinical immune monitoring, preclinical & clinical research Clinical immune monitoring, preclinical & clinical research, immunotherapy


Applications for PepSup Cell Activation Kit

Applications for PepSup™ Cell Activation Kit

  • Monitor antigen-specific, stimulation-induced mediator secretion
  • Study infection, transplantation, or tumor-specific immunity
  • Produce short-term culture supernatants for analysis of cytokines or other mediators of interest

Application Note

PepSup™ - A Simple T-cell Assay Providing the Highest Level of Standardization & Reproducibility
Holenya et al. (2019) Full Text


Benefits of PepSup Cell Activation Kit

Benefits of PepSup™ Cell Activation Kit

  • Get your PepSup™ from any PepMix™ Peptide Pool or Antigen Peptide
  • Use whole blood or other cell suspensions
  • Only a heat block and a simple bench-top centrifuge required
  • Samples can be used immediately or frozen for later analysis
  • High degree of standardization and reproducibility
  • Well-suited for longitudinal monitoring

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